Adding a New User

Opening the Browser Function

  1. Log on to the terminal using your code button or usual sign on method

  2. Press the Function button and press Browser.

  3. Tapa Office will load.

Adding a New User This is a step-by step guide on how to add a new user to the point of sale terminal with a log in code and User Button on the front screen.

  1. Enter your credentials for tapa office and press log in.

  2. Choose your organisation from the drop down menu and select continue.

  3. Select the correct branch in your orgainsation.

  4. On the Navigation Menu, scroll until you find Employees select this, next select POS user and finally select users.

  5. Press New User, the reference number will be automatically generated.

  6. Enter the employees name, this is the name that will appear when the employee uses the terminal.

  7. Select the role of the employee from the drop down menu, select show user button this means that that the Users Button will be shown on the terminal front screen.

  8. If the employee is a driver, For example a delivery driver. Select the option Driver.

  9. Press Next.

Creating a Pin for the Employee.

  1. Click the Add Login Method.

  2. From the drop down menu choose a login in method. Select PIN.

  3. In the text box enter the code the user will use to sign on to the terminal, press add.

  4. Click Save and Send the changes to the terminal.

Sending change to the POS

  1. At the top of the screen, press the Update Tills button.

  2. Next press the Send changes.

Updating the Terminal

  1. Open the Function Menu.

  2. Press the Get Updates Button.

  3. Press Okay and log off when finished.

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