
Adding a new Dashboard.

  1. Select the Add Dashboard

  2. Enter the Description of the Dash Board.

  1. Select the Settings button

  2. From the drop down select the + Module to add to the Dashboard.

  3. From the drop down select the Type of chart used to display the data.

  4. Next select the Time Span, this can be Last or Current Day, Week, Month or Year. Please note, the number of days, week month and year can be selected. Enter this is the text box.

The modules to chose:

  • Sales- The amount of sales
  • Paid In-Value of the paid ins
  • Paid Out - Value of the paid outs
  • Labour Cost - Cost of employees wages
  • Labour Percentage.- The percentage of the employees wages.
  • Account Spend- The amount spent on customer accounts
  • Account Lodgements - The Value of the lodgements made on customer accounts.
  • Covers- The amount of covers on the tables.
  • Table total- The value of the tables.
  • Discount Total - The value of discounts
  • VAT total - The value of the VAT
  • Delivery Quantity - The amount of deliveries orders made.
  • Collection Quantity - The amount of collections orders made.
  • Delivery Total - The value of the Delivery Orders
  • Collection Total- The value of Collection Orders
  • Group sales Pie Chart- A pie chart depicting the group sales
  • Refund Quantity- The amount of refunds.
  • Refund Value- The value of the refunds made.
  • Voids Value- The value of the voids made.
  • Voids Quantity- The amount of Voids made.
  • Products (Value) - A chart showing the product value.
  • Products (Quantity) - A chart showing the product quantity.
  • Tenders - A chat showing the Tenders used.
  • Order Source - A Chart showing the order sources.

Example: DashBoard

Making Changes to the Dashboard Modules

  1. On the Module, select the Edit Option this is the gear shaped button.

  1. On the Edit Module pop-up make it appropriate changes to the module, this can be the type of module, chart type or time span.
  2. When finished select the update button or if you want to cancel select the close button.

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