
Additional Options

Additional Options can be used to view and edit Products. This article explains how the work. A Product is an item which is sold on the point of sale(POS) Products exist within the last level of the Group, Department, Product hierarchy. Products have a wide variety of parameter that can be customized into the best solution for you business.

Adding a New Product- This allows users to create new products to be added to the Point-Of-Sales system. Click on the link below.

Search- Allows products to be filtered by Product Reference (code), Product Description or Department Description

Import- Allows a user to download an excel template, fill in the relevant product details in excel and then import into the system (Please note, reserved for advanced users only)

Export- Allows the user to download the full product list, in the format of the import template. (Please note, reserved for advanced users only)

Print- Prints the Product list

PDF- Saves the Product list in Adobe PDF format

Excel- Exports the product list into Microsoft Excel Format

Clone- Select a Product by clicking on the tick box beside it in the main Product list screen and click clone button to copy the products detail, enter the Product Reference and Product Description then select Save.

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