
Reports allow the back office users to access historical sale information including Transaction Reports, Sales Reports and Exception Reports.

To Run a Report

1.Click on the Report within the section that you want to view.

2.Select the Report Criteria choose from the available selection such as Date Range, Branch Selection and other reports specific criteria then select Refresh Data.

  • Date Range – This is the date from and the date to. Choose the correct dates to match the first and last transaction dates on the EOD.
  • Branch Selection – Select the correct branch. If there is only one company this is not required.
  • Location- Select the location of the terminal. If there are only one location this is not required.
  • Terminals- Select the correct terminal, this will be the terminal that the EOD (terminal report) was completed.
  • Terminal Reports- Select the terminal report that is being compared to the back office. Please note the date range must match the EOD report.

3.When emailing the Report choose the Export button, choose Email then choose the format either PDF or Excel then enter recipient email address and select send.

4.When exporting a Report choose the export button, choose Save Offine then choose the format either PDF or Excel then choose save.

5.When trying to print a Report choose the Print button and select the printer required using your operating system interface.


  • Department Sales
    • Shows the Gross Sale, VAT and Net Sales for any products sold within a department for the selected criteria.
  • Group Sales
    • Group Sales is the highest level of the reporting hierarchy and show the Gross, Net and VAT for a group of departments.
  • Product Sales

    • Product Sales shows the Quantity, Gross sales, Net sales and VAT for each individual product sold on the point-of-sale based on the elected criteria.
  • Business Sheet Report

    • Gives a breakdown of the key performances indicators for a business. Information includes Group Sales, Tenders, VAT and Paid Ins/Outs for each day of the week.
  • Tender Report

    • The tender report gives a complete breakdown of any payments received through the point-of-sale terminal e.g. Cash payments, Credit Cards and any other forms of Tender.
  • VAT Report

    • The VAT report gives a breakdown of Gross Sales, VAT and Net Sales for each VAT rate setup on the terminal.
  • Scheduled Reports

    • Scheduled reports allows you to set up reports to be emailed to the email attached to the company daily, weekly or monthly depending on the requirement.
  • Terminal Reports

    • Terminal reports shows the z read(end of day) from each terminal connected to the company. This reports also shows the user who completed the z read the date and the report number.
  • Transactions

    • The transactions report allows the user to view all of the transactions made on the POS. This can be used to check errors on transactions.
  • Transactions Orders

    • Transaction Order report allows you to view the orders placed online and from the POS e.g collection, instore or deliveries. This report shows the date, order number, the customers, they type of order and the amount.
  • Transaction Edit

    • Transaction Edit allows the user to edit the transaction on the back office. This report will allow the user to search for the transaction, view the transaction and delete. It also shows the status of the order if it exists or has been delete. This is for all transactions even the transactions that have been voided.
  • Settings

    • Settings report is used for the terminal, this controls the End of Day report (EOD), this allows you to choose if the EOD can happen under certain circumstances such as open tables and open orders. If you would like an automatic EOD and shutdown this can be done here.
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