Creating Departments

Departments are sub reporting category within the system and are in the reporting hierarchy below Groups and above Products. Groups need to be set up first before the department can be added.

To Add a New Department:

  1. Click the New Department Button.

  2. By Default, the reference is populated with the next available in sequence, to overwrite this type the reference required into the reference input box.

  3. Enter the Department’s Description in to the Description Box.

  4. Choose the Group that this Department is linked to from the drop-down list

  5. Select the Meal Status. Please note, meal status updates the colour of the table and sends the status to the table reservation package.

  6. Select Next

  1. Next select the SLA times, please note this for the kitchen display screen.
    • Enter the Warning time- This is the time set for the KDS card to turn to a warning colour, (Yellow)
    • Enter the Overdue Time - This is the time set for the KDS card to turn the overdue colour (Red)

  1. Select the default Pricing Model from the drop-down menu Please note, any products linked to this department will inherit these prices by default which can then be populated for each product.

  2. Select Save to Finish.

Edit an Existing Department

  1. Click the Edit icon beside the Department description.

  2. Enter the department’s description into the Description box.

  3. Choose the Group from the drop-down list that this department is linked to.

  4. Select the default Pricing Model from the drop-down menu that any products linked to this department will inherit.

  5. Select Save to finish.

Deleting An Existing Department

  1. Click the Delete Icon in the Action field.
  2. A conformation pop-up will appear and select Yes.


A Department is the middle level of the organisation, Departments are linked to Groups and Products are linked to Departments. For example, if your group was Food, you departments might be Starter, Mains, Desserts etc. and the products within the Mains might be Chicken, Beef, Fish etc.

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