Delivery Areas

We suggest when setting up deliveries you work from the middle out. Meaning you start with the closest delivery area to your store and expand from there.

You can have areas that overlap with one another. For example, you can have a county but within the county you can have a city with different prices attached.

Setting up Delivery Areas

  1. On the Navigation Menu scroll until you find Ordering and press Delivery Areas.

  2. Press + Draw New Area.


  3. Now Start to Draw the Outline. You do this by connecting dots in the shape of the area.

  1. Mistakes can be fixed by simply pressing the Delete last Point this will remove the last white square added. If you want to stop and delete your current shape then press cancel.(Located at the top right-hand corner of the map)

  2. When done, press Finish.

  1. Fill out the Area Description and select a Price from the drop-down Menu.
  2. If the price is not in the drop-down menu simply press +Add New Price.
  3. Press Apply when done.
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