Driver Management

Opening the Driver screen.

  1. Sign on to the POS Terminal using your code button or usual sign on method.
  2. Press the function button and press orders. If you have the order button as a pinned function simply press this.
  3. Another way to access the drivers screen is through the function screen, press the button that states drivers. You can also have this button as a pinned function.

Assigning a Driver to an Order

  1. On the Driver screen click on the button with the car icon beside the order.
  2. From the list select the correct Driver.
  3. An alert will appear to confirm this is the correct Driver. Press Yes to confirm this.
  4. You can change the assigned driver by repeating the process.

Cashing Out a Driver.

  1. To take payment on the Drivers Screen, if it is a cash order when the driver returns from the delivery with the cash you can simply pay it on the drivers screen by pressing the amount of the order and complete the payment as normal.
  2. If it is a prepaid order for ecample online its just a case of finalising, these orders.

The video below shows the Functionality of the Drivers Screen. The driver screen is used for orders that have been placed for delivery. The drivers screen will let you assign drivers to orders. It also shows where the orders are placed on a map.

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Video | Driver Manaement | POS |