Gift Cards

The Gift Cards module of Tapa POS enables you to manage the Gift Cards that have been issues on the point-of-sale. This section allows you to view to complete history on a gift cards usage as well as manually adjusting the balance on a gift card.

To edit a Gift Card:

  1. Search for the required Gift Card by Token number, Name or Customer Address.

  2. Click the Edit button beside the required Gift Card. (Outlined in the picture below)

  1. If required edit the gift cards recipient’s details:
  • Name , Email, Telephone and Address as well as Comments.

To adjust a Gift Card:

  1. Select Adjust Balance icon

  1. Choose the adjustment Type, Credit or Debit

  2. Enter the Amount.

  3. Enter any Comments explaining the reason for the adjustment.

  4. Then select Adjust button.

The Account History shows all the transaction from the gift card and it also shows the adjustments that have been made to the Gift Card.

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