Sage Intacct Integration

Setting up Intacct

  1. On the Navigation Bar, select Accounting
  2. Next Select Sage Intacct
  3. Then Settings
  4. Fill in all the General information from Intacct. If you don’t have credentials, consult your accountant on how to set up web service users
  5. Once the General details are filled out, press the Save button on the top right of the page

Mappings General Mappings and Default Account Mappings MUST be filled out. Invoices will not be sent to Intacct if these are not completed. Keep in mind that the dropdown search is case sensitive

  • Entity mapping is used to link your Location Entity from Intacct to Tapa. This must be mapped in order to proceed and make a connection with Intacct.
  • Location mapping links your Branch in Tapa to your Location in Intacct.
  • Tax Solution mapping is used to determine what tax solution invoices will be sent with.
  • Default Account Mappings: These accounts are Revenue Account- The incomes of your business, The Expense Account- The out goings of your business and the Liability Account- This is the Gift Cards, etc. Default Department - this is the default department in Intacct sales should go through.
  • Product Group Mappings: These map the groups of products from Tapa to GL Accounts in Intacct.
  • Department mapping specifies which Intacct Department items will be posted to ( keep in mind, invoices will be grouped by product department ).
  • The Tax Mapping column is where the the VAT rate set in the Tapa back-office is mapped to the Vat rates set in Intacct. On the left hand side in the blacked out writing is the VAT rates from Tapa, these are mapped using the drop down menus which contains the Intacct VAT rates.
  • Tender mappings dictate to which Intacct GL Account your payments go to in order to balance the invoice
  • Sales Mapping, this column is optional. From the drop-down, select the account in Intacct where refunds from Tapa will be mapped to.
  • Other Income Mapping, this column is optional. From the drop down, select the account in Intacct where GiftCards, Deposits, Credit Notes, Paid In, Paid Out and Customer Accounts from Tapa will be mapped to.
  • Gift Card VAT Mapping: This setting can be found under Other Income Mapping. It is advised you create a Gift Card product with 1 price that can be 0, and your desired VAT rate. The import will find any use of a gift card and attach the VAT rate of the selected product.

Usage There are 3 ways to send your reports to Intacct:

  1. By Terminal Report. Once you have your Intacct details all completed, you can send individual terminal reports i.e. End of Days for a given till. To do this click on Reporting in the side nav and select Terminal Reports. From there you can use the date criteria to find the report you are looking for. Click on the spy glass next the report you wish to view which will show you the full detail of the report. Then, simply click on the Sync to Accounting button in the top right. If the report hasn’t been sent to Intacct yet, you should get a message in the bottom right corner to notify you the sync was successful. If the report was previously exported, you’ll be asked to confirm the action, which might result in duplication of data.
  2. By Customer Invoice. Prior to using this functionality, you’ll need to map your customers in Tapa to your customers in Intacct. To do so you will need to click on Customers on the side nav, then choose customers from the dropdown. There you will see a list of your customers in Tapa. Choose the customer you want to map by clicking the pencil button next to their name, which will take you to the full customer detail screen. There you will scroll down to the Sage Intacct section and choose the customer you want to select from Intacct. Once you have done that, head to the Transactions page under the Reporting category on the side nav. There you can use the criteria provided to find the transaction you want to sync. If the customer is mapped correctly, you should get a Sync to Accounting button in the top right, similar to how you export terminal reports. The rest of the steps are exactly the same.
  3. By the Daily Export. This feature is found under Accounting -> Sage Intacct -> Daily Export in the side navigation. Simply use the date picker to choose the day your sales occurred in, not the date the terminal report was ran, and click Apply Criteria. If there have been any terminal reports for the date chosen, details of these reports will be displayed underneath in the style of a business sheet report. Here you’ll be able to see your Group Sales, Incoming, Outgoing, and Tender totals as you would in the business sheet report. Additionally, you will see a Declarations section. This is where the counted tenders should be filled out. To help with finding any discrepancies, tender, report, and overall totals are calculated, and report specific variance figures are calculated, with an overall variance for the day on the right. At the very bottom there is an option to export each report individually, or export all reports for the day as one Invoice. This is a handy feature for quick exporting to sage intacct as there is no need to do cash declarations on the till or in the back office, and no need to count every denomination for tenders applicable.

You should see your reports from Tapa in your Intacct. All your sales will come through as Accounts Receivable Invoices, and the balancing payments as Accounts Receivable payments.

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