
The Label module in the back office allows you to add/edit and delete labels.

In the back office, On the Navigation Menu located on the left of the screen, select the option Settings and next select Printing next select Labels

Adding a New Label

  1. Select the +New Label button

  2. The Reference is Automatically generated.

  3. Enter the Description

  4. Next enter the Width and Height recommended numeric values:

    • Width- 25
    • Height- 140
  5. Next enter the :

    • Margin X
    • Margin Y
    • The Gap Width and height - Simply this is the size of the space between the columns
  6. When Finished select Save

  1. The Label will be saved as a blank white label, to add information edit the label.

Editing Labels

  1. First select the label you want to edit, this is the pencil icon.

  2. Next from the Palette, select the type of text box you want to add.

    • Plain White Box
    • Plain Black Box
    • White box with black text
    • Black box with white text
    • Barcode
    • Black line.

  3. To add these to the label simply, drag the box to the white label with a red outline in the designer.

  4. Next, you must tag the box with the correct information you want to be shown.

  5. Using the Inspector column, select the box the tag will be added to.

Inspector Column

These are the tags that can be added:

  • Transaction
    • Transaction Date
    • Transaction Time Open
    • Transaction Time close
    • Transaction Type
    • Transaction number
    • Transaction Total
    • Paid Status
  • Items
    • Item Number
    • Item Count
    • Item Description
    • Item Price
    • Item Unit
    • Item Price Model
    • Child Items
  • Tables
    • Table Number
    • Table Area
  • Orders
    • Order Number
    • Order Type
    • Order type short
    • Order Source
    • Order Due
    • Order Placed
  • Customers

    • Customer Name
    • Customer Telephone
    • Customer Address
  • Products

    • Description
    • Details
    • Price
    • Print Date
    • Barcode

1.After the tag has been added next select the Horiz.Align, this can be Center, Left or Right.

Left Example

Center Example

Right Example

2.Next select the Vert.Align, this can be Top, Middle or Bottom.

Top Example

Middle Example

Bottom Example

3.From the top down option the Font size can be changed.

Pizza Label Example

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