Office Users

Within the POS Office User a back-office administrator can configure the Office User information including security levels, terminal access and access to the back-office modules.

Adding a New Office User

1.Select +New User, located at the top of the page.

2.Enter the users Forename, Surname, Email. From the drop-down menu, select the user roles.

3.When you have finished click save.

Editing Office Users

1.One the action column select the pencil icon to edit.

2.Make the required changes to the user forename, surname, email or role.

3.Once you have finished simply click save.

Deleting Office Users.

1.On the action column simply press the dustbin icon to delete.

2.A pop-up will appear confirming you want to delete the user. Press Ok if you do and cancel if it is not the correct user.

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