Receipt Layout

The Receipt Layout module in the back office allows you to edit the header and footer of the receipts given to customer.s

In the back office, On the Navigation Menu located on the left of the screen, select the option Settings and next select Printing., next select Receipt Layout.

Adding a Header

  1. On the preview option select the Insert Header Button.

  2. Line options will show on the left of the screen. If required select the option to insert a Line above or below the current line.

  3. Next select the Line Type/ Function. This can be:

    • Text- Plain text
    • Barcode
    • Buzzer
    • Print Logo - This will be the company logo.
    • Cutter-
  4. If text is chosen you can now edit the:

    • Position- Left, Right or Centered
    • The font style - Normal, Bold, Underlined and Italic
    • The font size - Normal, Double Wide, Double High, Double High and Wide, Big and Huge
    • The colour (KP only) - Black, Red and Reverse.
  5. If required you can add more lines to the header using the insert line above and insert line below and follow the previous steps above.

  6. When finished select Save.

Adding a Footer

  1. On the preview option select the Insert Footer Button.

  2. Line options will show on the left of the screen. If required select the option to insert a Line above or below the current line.

  3. Next select the Line Type/ Function. This can be:

    • Text- Plain text
    • Barcode
    • Buzzer
    • Print Logo - This will be the company logo.
    • Cutter-
  4. If Text is chosen you can now edit the:

    • Position- Left, Right or Centered
    • The font style - Normal, Bold, Underlined and Italic
    • The font size - Normal, Double Wide, Double High, Double High and Wide, Big and Huge
    • The colour (KP only) - Black, Red and Reverse.
  5. If required you can add more lines to the footer using the insert line above and insert line below and follow the previous steps above.

  6. When finished select Save.

Receipt Settings.

Using the drop down options select how each of these settings will show on the receipt.

1. VAT Style:

  • Hide- This will not show VAT from the receipt
  • Overview - This will show just a total overview of VAT
  • Per Item & Overview-

2. Zero Priced Items

  • Hide- This will not show the zero priced items from the receipt
  • Show - Zero Priced Items will show with a zero price
  • Show as FOC- The item will have FOC as the amount

3. Discount Style

  • Hide - This is will not show the discount.
  • Overview only- This will show a total overall of all discount applied.
  • Pre item & Overview - The discounted hides will show with and * beside them, also overview will be shown.

4. Grouping

  • None- No grouping of the items.
  • Course - This will group the item depending on the course, Starter, Main, Dessert, Drinks, Sides
  • Cover - The items will be grouped by the cover they have previous been placed. If the items are not against a cover there will be no grouping.
  • Product Group-
  • Product Department-
  • Price Model-

5. Copies Enter the amount of copies to print.

Next Select, the Required Options:

  • The Item Barcode
  • Transaction Barcode
  • Tender Consolidation
  • Show Void Items
  • Show Customer Detail
  • Account Signature
  • Show Messages (Kitchen Messages)
  • Consolidate (Items)

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