Refunding a Transaction

Opening the Transaction History screen

  1. Open the Function menu by pressing the Function button.

  2. Then select History. You may need to enter a manager code. If required get the manager or supervisor to enter their PIN code, swipe card or use the biometric reader.

  3. In the Transaction History you can view todays transactions which are stored locally, and any historical transaction stored on the cloud.

Refunding transactions

  1. Open the Transaction History screen.

  2. To view the transactions select the magnifying glass icon beside the transaction line.

  3. A copy of the receipt will display on screen.

  4. Select the Refund button and the products sold in the sale are displayed

  5. You can refund individual products by highlighting them and press the Refund item button.

  6. To refund the entire Transaction press the Refund All Items button.

  7. The transaction will display on the point of sale.

  8. Press Pay and finalise using the tender that the customer paid with , For example Cash.

  9. The receipt will then print and the change due is displayed on screen

The video below shows you how to refund a complete transaction.Using the Refund function, within Transaction History.

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