
In this module of the back office is where you set the roles for the employees of the business. This is the position that someone has in your business. Example of roles would be: Manager, Floor Staff, Bar Staff, Non-POS User.

Adding POS Roles

  1. Select +New Role

  2. The reference number will be automatically generated.

  3. Enter the Description, this will be the role of the employee.

  4. Select Next

If the role requires exclusions, add them now. The role can exclude branches, and actions.

  1. Select the excluded Branches text box, from the drop-down menu select the branch the employee is excluded from.

  2. To excluded Actions, Select the actions from the drop-down menu the user is not allowed to do. You can choose from the functions of the POS, Sale actions and report etc.

  3. Exclusions are not mandatory.

  4. When you have finished select the Save.

Adding Office Roles

  1. Select + New role

  2. Enter the Description of the New Role

  1. Next Select the branch this role is allowed to have access to. Please note if no branches are allowed then the user will not have access to back office
  2. Next select the level of the Role- This is how the Roles are ranked
    • The higher the role the higher the rank. For example Role level 10 can change roles below itself, but someone with role 3 can not change any role above them. Level 0 will be the lowest ranked role

  1. In the restriction Module from the drop down select the type
    • Area - This is the areas on the navigation bar.
    • Reports - These are the reports in the back office
    • Misc - This is to hide the hourly pay of the POS users.

Area Restrictions

  1. If Area restrictions is selected from the drop down chose the area to add to the restrictions.

  2. Next chose the restriction to place on this area.

    • View - This will stop users from view, adding,editing and deleting
    • Add- This will stop users from adding
    • Edit - This will stop users from editing
    • Delete -This will stop users from deleting

This works as an exclusion based format, if the box is un-ticked then the user has access. To add the restriction simply tick the box under the desired exclusion.

Reports Restrictions

  1. From the drop down option select the restriction type as reports.

  2. Below another drop option will show, using the drop down menu select the report to add to the restrictions. Full reports sections can be chosen or individual reports can be chosen.

  • Report Sections.
    • Sales Reports
    • Transaction Reports
    • Exception Reports
    • User Reports
    • Table Reports
    • Ordering Reports
    • Customer Reports
    • Stock Reports
    • Listing Reports
    • Kitchen Reports
  1. The next step is to place the restriction on the report. The only restriction that can be placed on a report is a view restriction.

This works as an exclusion based format, if the box is un-ticked then the user has access. To add the restriction simply tick the box under the desired exclusion.

Miscellaneous Restrictions The miscellaneous restriction allows you to stop a back office users from seeing the hourly rate of employees.

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