Sales Units

Sales units define how much of a Product is removed from stock when the product is sold on the point-of-sale. By default, each Price assigned to a Product must have a Sales Unit.

To add a Sales Unit:

  1. Click the New Unit button.

  2. By default, the Reference is populated with the next available in sequence, to overwrite this type the reference required into the Reference input box.

  1. Enter the description of Sales Unit into the Prefix box.

  2. Enter how many units of stock are depleted when a product is sold in the Stock Unit input box.

  1. Select Show Prefix if you want the product description to be prefixed with the Sales Unit prefix when it is sold on screen and on receipts.

  2. Select Save


Sales Units can be set against each Price of a product so depending on which price the product is sold at defines how many Stock Units are removed from stock. For example, Guinness can be sold at two prices, Pint and Half Pint. Pint can be set with a Stock Unit of 1.00 which will remove one unit from stock and Half Pint can be set with a Stock Unit of 0.50 which will deplete the stock by half of one unit. If Show Prefix is ticked the Prefix will show on the sales screen and on customer receipts when sold at this price level e.g. HLF GUINNESS.

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