Service Charge

Service Charges can be added to customer bills, if the customers bill matches the requirements a servie chagre can be automatcially added or the charge can show as a optional charge on the bill.

In this module of the back office is where you add, edit and manage service charges .

Creating a New Service Charge.

  1. On the Navigation Menu, select table and then select service charge.

  2. Select +NewService Charge. The refereence nubmer is automatcially generated, we do not recommend you changing this.

  3. Enter the Description, from the drop down box select the type. If you would like this to automatically apply select auto apply.

  4. Select Next,

  1. Next add the service charge conditions, Select +Add New Condition.

  2. From the drop down menu chose the conditions:

    • Spend- This is the amount of the table.

    • Covers- This is how many people are seated at the table.

    • Table Area- You can chose a table area if you have more than one.

    • Time Profile- If the table is seated at a certain time.

    • Order type- This can be collection, delivery or table.

  3. If required from the second drop down chose the condition that applies.

    • Equal To- The amount is equal to the Value entered
    • Greater Than- The amount is greater than the Value entered
    • Less Than - The amount is less than the Value entered.

  4. In the text Box enter the value.

  5. Fill out the outcome, In the box enter the amount you want to be applied, this can be an amount or a percentage.

  6. From the drop down chose, amount or percentage.

  7. From the drop list chose where this is applied to, the overall total or pre-cover.

  8. When finished Press save and send the changes to the till.

Example Large Group Charge

  1. Service Charge Conditions, Chose Cover, Greater than or Equal to , 6. Please note this number will depend on the size of groups you offer.

  2. The outcome can be chosen by the business. For the example we have chosen 20 percent and applied to Total.

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