Stock Returns

Returns are used when sending items back to the supplier. This report will help you to manage all returns made to the supplier.

Making a Return to the Supplier.

  1. On the Navigation Menu, find Stock and Select Returns.

  2. Select +New Return.

  3. The reference number is automatically generated. Please note we do not recommend changing this.

  4. Choose the Supplier from the drop-down menu. Enter any comments you wish to add in the text box.

  5. Choose the Date and Time the return is being made, and select Next.

  1. From the drop-down menu select the item(s) to return.

  2. Select Add to Return. In the cases or units enter the amount of the item you are returning.

  1. After you have added all the items to the Return, press finalise.

  1. A confirm finalise pop-up will appear, if correct press Finalise.

  2. A report showing the changes to your stock will appear.

  3. When you have finished press the Back Button to return to the returns page.

Please note that when you finalise a return you cannot undo this, it will change your stock levels and affect your stock report.

For a Full Stock Guide please read the following article:

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