Stock Waste

This module of stock is where you log waste to stock items. Waste may include for example broken bottles or damaged items; it also may include out of date items.

Logging Waste

  1. On the Navigation Menu find Stock and select Waste.

  2. Select +New Waste, the reference number is automatically generated. Please note we do not recommend changing this.

  3. Enter the Date and Time the waste is being recorded for. Please note this will affect your stock take, try and be as accurate as possible.

  4. In the selector drop-down menu select the item(s) you wish to log a waste for.

  5. Press Add to Waste, Enter the amount of waste in Units and Cases.

  6. When you have finished, press finalise. Please note that when you finalise a waste you cannot undo this, it will change your stock levels and affect your stock report.

For a Full Stock Guide please read the following article:

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