Table Areas

In this article

  • What are Table Areas
  • Editing a Table Area
  • Creating a New Table Area
  • Designing a Table Plan
  • Table Joins
  • Table Close Outs
  • Sending Changes
  • Best Practices
  • Video Tutorial

Table Areas

Table Areas refer to designated sections within a restaurant or hospitality establishment where tables are organized and managed. These areas are designed to streamline the serving process and enhance overall efficiency.

Table areas allow the restaurant staff to organise tables based on sections such as dining rooms, outside areas, or floors. Each table area may contain a specific set of tables, making it easier for servers and staff to locate and manage orders for those tables. The visual representation or table plan allows staff to see the layout of tables, their occupancy status, and which tables are available or occupied at a glance.

Editing a Table Area

  1. After signing in to the Back Office select >Settings > Tables and then select Table Areas and a list of the current Table Areas are displayed.

  2. To edit the settings of a Table Area click the ‘Edit’ icon beside the required area.

Creating a New Table Area

  1. Click on the +New Area.

  2. The reference number is automatically generated. We do not recommend changing this.

  3. Enter the Description This will be the name of the area shown on the point-of-sale (and reservation widget if more than one area available).

  4. Select Next

Designing a Table Plan

Each physical table in the restaurant is mapped to a corresponding table on the graphical floor plan. Table plans or floor layouts provide an intuitive way for staff to navigate and locate tables on the point-of-sale.

For new Table Areas the Designer will be blank or if editing an existing Table Area your previously added Tables and plan will be shown.

  1. From the Palette drag the graphical icons you wish to use on to the designer on the right of the screen.

Tip: Start by adding lines to the Designer to form the outside of the canvas / table area before adding any tables or other icons. Lines can be stretched and rotated vertically or horizontally. Use the ‘Zoom In’ button and drag the mouse on the screen to the area required and drag/move lines to join up the corners.

  1. Next drag the Tables (round and rectangle) from the Palette onto the Designer. Tables and icons can be moved on the designer screen by using the mouse to drag and drop.

Tip: Table sizes and aspect can be stretched to make rectangular tables into square.

Tip: To delete a table, shape or icon, highlight and use the Delete key on your keyboard.

  1. Once you have added your tables you can add a Table Number and Covers to each table. Highlight each Table on the designer and in the Table Inspector, enter the Table Number and the maximum Covers that this table will seat.

Note: Table numbers must be unique and you cannot have the same Table Number in two different Areas.

Note: If using Tapa Reservations the Covers set against the Table will determine the leave time for a reservation if using Duration Rules

  1. Select the ‘Save’ button to save changes.

Table Joins

Table Joins allows multiple tables to be connected to accommodate larger group of guests. When a reservation request is received for a larger group, the reservation system checks the availability of appropriately sized tables and if not available suggests a combination of tables that can accommodate the requested party size.

  1. To join multiple tables select the Tables

  2. Enter the number of Covers that these joined tables can accommodate

  3. Select the ‘Save’ button to save changes.

Table Close Outs

Table Close Outs allows restaurants to temporarily close out entire Table Areas or specific individual tables for reservations during certain dates and times.

  1. Choose the required Table or multiple Tables to close or leave the Tables selection blank to close all Tables in the Area

  2. Choose a Time Profile that has been setup previously OR

  3. Simply select the Date From and choose the Date and Time that you want to close bookings from and then select Date To to choose the Date and Time when the bookings will reopen.

  4. Select the ‘Save’ button to save changes.

Sending Changes

  1. After all changes have been done select the ‘Save’ button on the Table Area to save.

  2. Select ‘Update Tills’ from the main screen and ‘Send Changes’ to apply changes after the next reboot or end of day, or alternatively select ‘Get Updates’ from the point-of-sale Functions screen.

Best Practices

Video Tutorial

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Tables | Table Areas | reservations | close outs | table joins |