
In this module of the back office is where you add you payment tenders. The payment tender is the method by which a payment was received. This can be cash, card, giftcard or account for example. Using payment tenders allows you to classify the payment. This is used in the payment reports, the report is broken down by tenders.

For online payments, the tender is recorded automatically using stripe. For manual payments, you will select the tender when the customer is paying. You can customise the list of tenders by adding, removing and renaming tenders as needed.

Creating a New Tender.

  1. On the Navigation Menu, select Settings and then select Tenders.

  2. Select +New Tender.

  3. Next Fill out the New Tenders Info form, Fill out the form with the relevant data for the tender you are adding.

    • Enter the Description, this is the name what will appear on the POS payment screen.

    • Enter a Minimum Amount- A Standard setting for this is zero.

    • Enter the Maximum amount- This is how much the customer will be able to spend on this tender in one transaction.

    • You can enable a cash drawer if you have one attached.

    • Next enter how many receipts you would like to print when the tender is used.

    • You can excludes roles from using this tender, simply from the drop down chose the role.

    • Choose the Type of Tender from the drop down menu.

    • Also you can enter the tender Group, if this is required.

    • You can also chose settings that allow for , change, change in tender, allow for refunds, a compulsory Entry and hidden which will hide the tender on the payment screen. Chose the settings that apply to the tender you are adding

  4. If required you can add the denominations for the tender.

  5. Select the +Add Denominations, On the pop-up add enter the description of the denomination and the value. Select Add when finished.

  6. Repeat this until you have added all of the denomination.

  7. When you have finished select save and update the tills.

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