Training Mode

New POS Feature:

Please Note a Training Tender must be created in the back office first

Training Tender Set-up On the Navigation Menu, select Settings and then select Tenders.

  1. Select +New Tender.

  2. Next Fill out the New Tenders Info form, Fill out the form with the relevant data for the tender you are adding.

  3. Enter the Description, this is the name what will appear on the POS payment screen this should be label training

  4. Choose the Type of Tender from the drop down menu.This will be Training Cash or training Card.

Modules NOT available in training mode:

  • Gift Vouchers
  • Account lodgement
  • Paid In and Paid Outs
  • Deposit
  • Waste
  • Auto Tender (Training Tender Must be used)

Training Mode

  1. On the function screen, select the training mode button,

  2. The POS will enter the training mode state, all transaction completed in this state will show in the back office as training transactions.

  1. Complete the Transaction as Normal in Training Mode. All transactions completed in Training mode have no effect on Sales, Tenders and Vat Rate.

  2. Training Transactions on tables or Orders will remain as training transactions until finalised using the training tender or voided.

  3. The training tender will only be visible when the POS is in training mode, therefore cannot be used outside of training mode.

  • Please note, When a training mode transaction has been finalised, The POS will no longer be in training mode, if training hasn’t been completed you will need to select training mode again.

  • The POS will indicate it has entered Training Mode by displaying an Orange bar across the top stating Training Mode.

  • If this Orange bar is not present then the POS is not in training mode and any transactions completed will have an affect on the businesses sales.

Refund Mode

  1. To start you must be in training mode, from the function screen select Training Mode.

  2. The POS will enter the training mode state, all transaction completed in this state will show in the back office as training transactions.

  3. Next on the Function screen, while in training mode select the Refund Button.

  4. Completed the Refund as normal. On the tenders screen select the training tender.

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