Xero Integration

We Recommend An Accountant integrates your Xero account with Tapa.

Xero is a cloud-based accounting software platform for businesses. It allows for you to manage your finances in real times, it performs book keeping functions like invoicing and payroll with a connection to a bank account.

For this integration to work, the Default Account Mapping, Tax Mappings and Tender Mappings must be completely filled out.

If the organisation has Multiple Branches, Xero must be connected to each branch and the compulsory Mapping completed. If branches share a Xero account, this can be connect once in the Global Branch with the compulsory Mapping completed for all relevant Branches

The figures from Tapa are sent to Xero when the End Of Day is done on your Point of Sale Terminal. Data can also be sent to Xero from the back office Terminal Report, view the report, next select the Sync To Xero button located at the top of the page. For more information please see the bottom of the article.

Historical Data can be synced to Xero after you have connected your account and completed the Mapping correctly.

Setting up Xero

  1. On the Navigation Bar, select Accounting

  2. Next Select Xero

  3. Click the Connect to Xero account, this will take you to your Xero account. Enter your credentials

  4. When the account has been connected, at the top of the screen there is a Connection Status showing which xero account is connect. Please ensure the Correct account is attached to the Correct Branch.

Now you must Map your Xero account with Tapa.

  1. The General Column is where the invoice grouping will be chosen. This is how the sales/transactions will be grouped in the invoice that is sent to xero. From the drop down box chose the options for grouping. This can be:
    • By Product

    • By Group

    • By Departments

  1. The Default Account Mappings column this is where the accounts on xero are mapped to according with your sales from tapa. These accounts are Revenue Account- The incomes of your business, The Expense Account- The out goings of your business and the Liability Account- This is the Gift Cards, etc.

  2. The Tax Mapping column is where the the VAT rate set in the Tapa back-office is mapped to the Vat rates set in xero. On the left hand side in the blacked out writing is the VAT rates from Tapa, these are mapped using the drop down menus which contains the Xero VAT rates.

  • Product VAT Rates - Must be mapped to an Income Account on Xero.
  • Stock Items VAT Rates - Must be mapped to an Expense Account on Xero.

  1. The Tender Mappings column, from the drop-down boxes select the bank account(s) from Xero where the tenders from Tapa will be mapped to. The accounts must be set up in Xero first.

  2. The Stock Categories column, from the drop-down boxes select the account(s) from Xero where the stock categories from tapa will be mapped. The accounts must be set-up in Xero first.

  3. Sales Mapping, this column is optional. From the drop-down, select the account in Xero where refunds from Tapa will be mapped to.

  1. Other Income Mapping, this column is optional. From the drop down, select the account in Xero where GiftCards, Depoits Credit Notes, Paid In, Paid Out and Customer Accounts from Tapa will be mapped to.


Payroll allows for your Tapa Users(Employees) to be mapped to Xero Users. Tapa Users must first have a User set up in Xero Employee account.

Adding an Employee

  1. In the Payroll Column select the button Add Employee Mapping.

  2. On the Employee mapping drop-down Select the Tapa User and Select the Xero User.(This is the employee account created for this Tapa User)

  3. To Add the user, select the Add Button, to Cancel select Close.

Syncing Data to Xero.

  1. On the Navigation Menu, select Reports and then select Terminal Reports.

  2. Chose the Terminal Report to sync to Xero, select the view button located in the Action Column.

  3. Next select the Sync to Xero button located at the top of the Page. The data will be synced to your connect Xero account.

Viewing Data on Xero

You Xero account must be mapped to Tapa correctly to view the data.

All transaction are mapped to Xero as invoices, the only exception is a refund this is mapped as a credit note.

  1. Open the invoice tab in Xero, this is located under the Business heading.

  2. The Invoice reference contains the Terminal Report Number(End of Period) from the Tapa back office.

  1. From the list select an Invoice to view.

  2. Each item sold in the transactions are mapped using the Group or Department, depending on your chosen method of mapping. This is shown on the left hand side under item description.

  3. The Quantity Column reflects the group not the items sold in the group. This will always be one, The groups in Tapa will have unique descriptions.

  4. The Price Column is the overall total of the items sold. Discounts are shown under the Discount Column.

  5. All amounts in Xero are tax inclusive, The Tax amount column match the VAT Rates mapped from Tapa.

  6. The last column is the Amount shows the final amount all of the items if a discount was included. The tax amount is not added to this column it is calculated below.

Viewing Payments from Invoices

  1. Located on the bottom of the invoice is the payments, select a payment to view.

  2. The payment is mapped in Tenders, each tender will have a payment line on the invoice.

  3. The reference at the top, this is the name of the tender in the Tapa back-office.

  4. The payment transaction shows the date it was made, the due date the total and the Payment amount.

Cash Payment

Credit Card Payment

Online Payment

Credit Note Refunds.

  1. Refunds are mapped in Xero as a credit note, below is an example of the credit notes.

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